Track.ini is a text file with track-specific parameters. There are ca 200 parameters that can be changed.
I have frequently adjusted some of them, to increase realism or fun factor.
An example of track.ini file is shown below. It is from the original 'michigan' track.
Parameters that I have changed and tested are commented below in red.
Another very useful tutorial track.ini adjustment can be found from:
Track.ini is a text file with track-specific parameters. There are ca 200 parameters that can be changed.
I have frequently adjusted some of them, to increase realism or fun factor.
An example of track.ini file is shown below. It is from the original 'michigan' track.
Parameters that I have changed and tested are commented below in red.
Another very useful tutorial track.ini adjustment can be found from:
[ track ]
track_name_short = Michigan
track_city = Brooklyn
track_state = MI
track_length_n_type = 2-mile D-shaped Oval
track_misc_info_1 = Turns banked 18∞
track_misc_info_2 = Frontstretch 2,229 feet banked 12∞
track_misc_info_3 = Backstretch 2,242 feet banked 5∞
track_num_turns = 4
track_length = 2.000m
track_altitude = 0.0
track_type = 3 ; long oval
; Normally tracks are designated like this.
; 0 = short track
; 1 = mile oval
; 2 = medium oval (>1 <2)
; 3 = long oval
; 4 = super speedway
; 5 = road course
; I am not sure where these values are used.
; I guess driver ratings are using it to calculate how good given driver is on short track or road course.
chassis_type = 2 ; speedway
; Chassis types:
; 1 = super speedway
; 2 = speedway
; 3 = short track
; 4 = road course
; 5 = superspeedway without a restrictor plate. See also this post by ZiggyM for drags and HP of each chassis.
See also this blog post about using chassis type 5 for 1960s and 1970s style of racing.
default_event_laps = 200
; This number defines how long is the race. So if you run Nationwide series at this track, you should set this to 125.
default_qual_laps = 2
; Change to 12 if you run Aussie V8 Supercars series, they have longer qualifying sessions.
track_base_month = 6 ; the race month used for single, multi, and testing
; This has major effect on race-day weather, if realistic weather is used (see the section [weather] below).
max_starters = 43
; Should be the same as number of pit stalls (see the section [pit_lane_0] below).
track_tire_heat = 0.86 ; > modifies amount of heat going into the tire at a given track
track_tire_wear = 0.88 ; > 1.0 means more wear, i.e. 2.0 is twice normal wear, 0.5 is half normal wear
; Needs adjustment from time to time.
; For example, reduce the value, if track has been recently repaved.
; I use 0.58 on current Michigan track (2013).
track_tire_wear_loss = 0.24 ; percentage of grip lost at full tire wear
; This value tells what fraction of grip is lost if tires are totally worn out.
; Affects both human player and computer opponents.
; I set this value to 0.50 on ovals and 0.20 on road courses. This ensures that laptimes are ca 2 secs slower on worn tires.
track_tire_wear_exp = 1.15 ; > 1.0 gives a bigger fall off later in run < 1.0 gives a bigger fall off early in run
; I use 0.80 for CUP, 1.00 for GNS and 1.25 for CTS physics.
track_asphalt_grip = 0.93 ; > 1.0 means more grip. This shouldn't have to change by more than +- 0.05
; Grip values need to be increased if the track has been repaved (higher speeds).
; I use 1.03 for current repaved Michigan.
track_concrete_grip = 1.00 ; > means more grip. Again, keep between about 0.9 and 1.05
; If you increase grip on the track, do it for all pavement types.
; Concrete surface type might have been used by track creator for the second groove.
; It might look indistinguishable from asphalt surface on the track.
track_north_angle = 350 ; angle of true north in degrees
; Starter decisions:
; First value is earliest possible green flag dlong, should be after to pace car pit entrace point
; Second value is latest possible green flag dlong. Must be before start line and after first value
starter_decision = 2900.00 3100.00
; All the previous values are default values, applied to all physics types.
; Set track-specific parameters for GNS physics in this section, if you want them to be different from default values).
; [track_gns]
; track_tire_wear_exp = 1.00 ; > 1.0 gives a bigger fall off later in run < 1.0 gives a bigger fall off early in run
; Set track-specific parameters for GNS physics in this section, if you want them to be different from default values).
; [track_cts]
; track_tire_wear_exp = 1.25 ; > 1.0 gives a bigger fall off later in run < 1.0 gives a bigger fall off early in run
qual_only=1 ; only enforce checkpoints during qualifying session
[ configuration_0 ]
; Format: dlong, start dlat, end dlat, time penalty (sec), 0 (required)
; 2 checkpoint minimum
checkpoint_0 = 2890.00 -4.00 21.50 0 0 ; prevents cutting grass (qual only)
checkpoint_1 = 3170.00 -4.00 21.50 0 0
[ cup ]
record_lap_time = 37.667
record_holder = Dale Earnhardt, Jr.
; In these sections you can update track records for each physics type.
; They are shown in lower left part of your screen after the track is loaded.
; [ cup ]
; record_lap_time = 35.564
; record_holder = Carl Edwards, 2013
; [ gns ]
; record_lap_time = 37.523
; record_holder = Austin Dillon, 2013
; [ cts ]
; record_lap_time = 39.109
; record_holder = Joey Coulter, 2012
[ weather ]
track_base_temp = 66.7 ; track average temperature on April 1 in deg F
track_temp_range = 4.5 ; one standard deviation from average in deg F
track_temp_swing = 20.0 ; This is temp difference between July and April
track_wind_speed = 8.1 ; average wind speed at the track in MPH
track_wind_speed_range = 5.0 ; one standard deviation from average in MPH
track_wind_direction = 270 ; compass heading in degrees from which wind is most likely (in this case from Northwest)
track_cloud_prob = 0.65 ; probability of cloud cover, 0.0 to 1.0
; I have done some testing on these weather parameters and how the NR2003 uses them.
; track_base_temp is mid temperature of the year (half way between January and July).
; The actual temperature during the race is dependent of the track_base_month value set above.
; track_temp_range is used to calculate random fluctuation of temp on given day.
; So, the track_temp_range should be the value of 1 standard deviation from normal day-to-day temp variation between different years.
; My two experiments with weather settings
; EXPERIMENT 1. The effect of track_base_month
; SETTINGS: track_base_temp=45, track_temp_range=0, track_temp_swing=35
; RESULTS: track_base_month: temp for race-day in NR2003
; 1: 10 ; lowest value = track_base_temp - track_temp_swing
; 2: 15
; 3: 27
; 4: 45 ; mid-point value = track_base_temp
; 5: 62
; 6: 75
; 7: 80 ; highest value = track_base_temp + track_temp_swing
; 8: 75
; 9: 63
; 10: 45 ; mid-point value = track_base_temp
; 11: 28
; 12: 15
; EXPERIMENT 2. The effect of track_temp_range
; SETTINGS: track_base_temp=45, track_temp_range=10, track_temp_swing=0, track_base_month=4
; RESULTS: temperatures for 25 tested race-days in NR2003
; 41, 42, 73, 45, 22, 39, 44, 32, 36, 54, 38, 45, 39, 52, 30, 45, 52, 51, 37, 52, 59, 53, 24, 54, 36
num_sources = 4
pos_0 = -233 333 4
pos_1 = -216 333 5
pos_2 = 155 -394 2
pos_3 = -41 -396 1
[ ai_track ]
pace_merge_from_pit_line_dlong = 400.000
pace_merge_to_pit_line_dlong = 2725.0000
pace_speed_limit_mph = 65
; Increase this value if you want to make pace laps faster.
; NB! Faster pace laps means also less time for repairs if you car is damaged => lower chance to get your car fixed during caution.
ai_accel_modifier = 1.20 ; acceleration grip efficiency
; Decrease this value if you cannot accelerate as fast as AI cars on the straight.
ai_decel_modifier = 0.88 ; braking grip efficiency
; Decrease this value if the AI cars slam into you in breaking zone.
ai_fuel_use = 0.96 ; > 1.0 = more fuel consumed
; This must be adjusted to make AI cars pit for fuel the same time as you do.
; I am using values between 0.85 and 0.90
ai_grip_modifier = 1.06 ; > 1.0 = more grip
ai_drag_modifier = 1.05 ; > 1.0 = more drag, which is slower
; I set both grip and drag always to 1.00.
; This makes the AI cars behave similarly with human player (same curve speed , same top speed on straight).
; If needed, straight line speed can be modified by changing ai_accel_modifier above.
ai_line_modifier = 1.00 ; dangerous hack, don't use unless you are a trained professional
; Reducing this parameter to 0.9 can help to avoid frequent crashes and yellow flag periods on some tracks
ai_qual_modifier = 1.000 ; > 1.0 = faster during qualifying
ai_wall_offset = 100 ; 100 = full-time AI collision detection
ai_tire_wear_left = 0.39 ; left tire wear adjuster for ai
ai_tire_wear_right = 0.48 ; right tire wear adjuster for ai
; Tire wear needs to be reduced if AI cars slow down significantly after few laps.
strategy_lap_time_wear_loss = 3.618 ; lap time loss from totally worn tires
; Decrease if AI cars are pitting too frequently for tires.
strategy_lap_time_fuel_use_gain = 0.270 ; lap time gain from low fuel
strategy_base_pitting_cost = 29.228 ; time lost to a stop & go pitstop
ai_pacing_distance = 1.9 ; car lengths behind while pacing
ai_bunching_distance = 1.75 ; car lengths behind while bunching for start
ai_drafting_distance = 1.3 ; car lengths behind while racing
ai_panic_decel = 2.8 ; G's of extra deceleration inducing panic
ai_dlongpad_scale = 8.0 ; scales padding in braking zones (smaller = more scaling)
ai_dlat_pad = 1.1
ai_squeeze_pcnt = 0.0
ai_inverse_slipcurve_k = 0.68 ; how much slip angle AI need to corner. smaller = more, more = increased drag ; (0.38)
; An important parameter, which affects how easily the AI cars will start sliding.
; I use 0.30 - 0.40 on oval tracks and 0.70 or higher on road courses.
[ AppRuleEnterPits ]
pit0_entrance_point0_dlat = 77.98
pit0_entrance_point0_dlong = 2960.03
pit0_entrance_point1_dlat = 62.11
pit0_entrance_point1_dlong = 2962.04
[ pit_lane_0 ]
; AI stuff
merge_from_pit_line_dlong = 1350.0 ; dlong at which cars leaving pits will merge to race line
merge_to_pit_line_dlong = 2000.0 ; dlong at which cars entering pits will merge to pit line
merge_to_pit_line_length = 460.0 ; length of merge window
pit_lane_end_dlong = 269.4 ; dlong where pit lane proper ends
pit_lane_start_dlong = 2962.0 ; dlong where pit lane proper begins
slow_pit_line_dlat_offset = 5.0 ; track-specific dlat_offset of 2nd slower pit line (0 if N/A)
stall_exit_goal_dlat_offset = -5.0 ; goal dlat offset (+ left) for the pit stall exit cubic line
stall_exit_goal_dlong_offset = 7.0 ; goal dlong offset (ahead) for the pit stall exit cubic line
begin_stall_entry_offset = 21.0 ; offset at which to begin entering the pit stall
begin_stall_approach_offset = 100.0 ; offset at which to begin approaching the pit stall
lane_merge_dlong = 1268.00 ; Dlong which you must remain on the apron when exiting the pits
; race control stuff
lane_on_right = 0 ; 0 if on left, 1 if on right
lane_has_wall = 1 ; 0 no wall, 1 has wall
speed_limit_MPH = 55.0
; pace car
begin_pacestall_entry_offset = 20.0 ; offset at which to begin entering the pit stall
begin_pacestall_approach_offset = 45.0 ; offset at which to begin approaching the pit stall
pacestall_exit_goal_dlong_offset = 8.0 ; goal dlong offset (ahead) for the pit stall exit
pacestall_exit_goal_dlat_offset = -3.0 ; goal dlat offset for the pit stall exit
stall_pace = 277.83 70.24 -0.25
; special stalls
stall_qual_exit = 265.00 73.02 -0.25
; regular stalls
stall_0 = 265.00 73.02 -0.25
stall_1 = 253.35 75.73 -0.24
stall_2 = 241.63 78.33 -0.23
stall_3 = 229.86 80.81 -0.22
stall_4 = 218.02 83.16 -0.21
stall_5 = 206.13 85.39 -0.20
stall_6 = 194.19 87.49 -0.18
stall_7 = 182.19 89.47 -0.17
stall_8 = 170.15 91.32 -0.16
stall_9 = 158.06 93.05 -0.15
stall_10 = 145.93 94.64 -0.14
stall_11 = 133.76 96.11 -0.13
stall_12 = 121.55 97.46 -0.12
stall_13 = 109.31 98.67 -0.10
stall_14 = 97.04 99.76 -0.09
stall_15 = 84.75 100.71 -0.08
stall_16 = 72.43 101.54 -0.07
stall_17 = 60.09 102.23 -0.06
stall_18 = 47.74 102.80 -0.04
stall_19 = 35.37 103.23 -0.03
stall_20 = 23.00 103.52 -0.02
stall_21 = 10.61 103.69 -0.01
stall_22 = 3214.37 103.73 0.00
stall_23 = 3201.96 103.63 0.01
stall_24 = 3189.56 103.41 0.03
stall_25 = 3177.17 103.05 0.04
stall_26 = 3164.79 102.55 0.05
stall_27 = 3152.42 101.92 0.06
stall_28 = 3140.07 101.16 0.07
stall_29 = 3127.75 100.26 0.09
stall_30 = 3115.45 99.24 0.10
stall_31 = 3103.17 98.08 0.11
stall_32 = 3090.93 96.78 0.12
stall_33 = 3078.73 95.36 0.13
stall_34 = 3066.56 93.81 0.15
stall_35 = 3054.44 92.13 0.16
stall_36 = 3042.36 90.31 0.17
stall_37 = 3030.33 88.37 0.18
stall_38 = 3018.35 86.30 0.19
stall_39 = 3006.43 84.11 0.20
stall_40 = 2994.56 81.79 0.22
stall_41 = 2982.75 79.34 0.23
stall_42 = 2971.00 76.77 0.24
[ starting_grid_0 ]
; 2x2 unstaggered grid
; polesitter on left
stall_pace = 273.48 64.45 -0.25
stall_0 = 265.00 68.91 -0.25
stall_1 = 265.00 63.91 -0.25
stall_2 = 256.79 70.86 -0.25
stall_3 = 256.79 65.86 -0.25
stall_4 = 248.55 72.76 -0.24
stall_5 = 248.55 67.76 -0.24
stall_6 = 240.28 74.62 -0.23
stall_7 = 240.28 69.62 -0.23
stall_8 = 231.98 76.42 -0.22
stall_9 = 231.98 71.42 -0.22
stall_10 = 223.64 78.15 -0.21
stall_11 = 223.64 73.15 -0.21
stall_12 = 215.27 79.78 -0.20
stall_13 = 215.27 74.78 -0.20
stall_14 = 206.87 81.31 -0.19
stall_15 = 206.87 76.31 -0.19
stall_16 = 198.43 82.76 -0.18
stall_17 = 198.43 77.76 -0.18
stall_18 = 189.97 84.14 -0.17
stall_19 = 189.97 79.14 -0.17
stall_20 = 181.50 85.50 -0.17
stall_21 = 181.50 80.50 -0.17
stall_22 = 173.00 86.84 -0.17
stall_23 = 173.00 81.84 -0.17
stall_24 = 164.49 88.12 -0.16
stall_25 = 164.49 83.12 -0.16
stall_26 = 155.95 89.32 -0.15
stall_27 = 155.95 84.32 -0.15
stall_28 = 147.39 90.44 -0.14
stall_29 = 147.39 85.44 -0.14
stall_30 = 138.81 91.49 -0.13
stall_31 = 138.81 86.49 -0.13
stall_32 = 130.21 92.53 -0.13
stall_33 = 130.21 87.53 -0.13
stall_34 = 121.61 93.52 -0.12
stall_35 = 121.61 88.52 -0.12
stall_36 = 112.98 94.44 -0.11
stall_37 = 112.98 89.44 -0.11
stall_38 = 104.33 95.27 -0.10
stall_39 = 104.33 90.27 -0.10
stall_40 = 95.67 96.03 -0.09
stall_41 = 95.67 91.03 -0.09
stall_42 = 87.00 96.74 -0.09
[ starting_grid_1 ]
stall_pace = 1758.48 1.96 0.00
stall_0 = 1750.00 3.96 -0.00
stall_1 = 1750.00 -0.04 -0.00
stall_2 = 1741.52 4.01 -0.01
stall_3 = 1741.52 0.01 -0.01
stall_4 = 1733.05 4.09 -0.01
stall_5 = 1733.05 0.09 -0.01
stall_6 = 1724.57 4.19 -0.01
stall_7 = 1724.57 0.19 -0.01
stall_8 = 1716.10 4.25 -0.00
stall_9 = 1716.10 0.25 -0.00
stall_10 = 1707.62 4.27 0.00
stall_11 = 1707.62 0.27 0.00
stall_12 = 1699.14 4.26 -0.00
stall_13 = 1699.14 0.26 -0.00
stall_14 = 1690.67 4.28 -0.00
stall_15 = 1690.67 0.28 -0.00
stall_16 = 1682.19 4.31 -0.00
stall_17 = 1682.19 0.31 -0.00
stall_18 = 1673.71 4.31 0.00
stall_19 = 1673.71 0.31 0.00
stall_20 = 1665.24 4.30 0.00
stall_21 = 1665.24 0.30 0.00
stall_22 = 1656.76 4.29 0.00
stall_23 = 1656.76 0.29 0.00
stall_24 = 1648.29 4.26 0.01
stall_25 = 1648.29 0.26 0.01
stall_26 = 1639.81 4.22 0.00
stall_27 = 1639.81 0.22 0.00
stall_28 = 1631.33 4.21 -0.00
stall_29 = 1631.33 0.21 -0.00
stall_30 = 1622.86 4.25 -0.00
stall_31 = 1622.86 0.25 -0.00
stall_32 = 1614.38 4.26 0.00
stall_33 = 1614.38 0.26 0.00
stall_34 = 1605.90 4.22 0.01
stall_35 = 1605.90 0.22 0.01
stall_36 = 1597.43 4.13 0.01
stall_37 = 1597.43 0.13 0.01
stall_38 = 1588.95 4.05 0.01
stall_39 = 1588.95 0.05 0.01
stall_40 = 1580.48 4.03 -0.00
stall_41 = 1580.48 0.03 -0.00
stall_42 = 1572.00 4.04 -0.00
[ SPCC ]
num_named_sections = 6
name_0 = 456.00 842.00 T1
name_1 = 842.00 1260.00 T2
name_2 = 1260.00 1967.00 BSTR
name_3 = 1967.00 2367.00 T3
name_4 = 2367.00 2747.00 T4
name_5 = 2747.00 456.00 FSTC
track_name_short = Michigan
track_city = Brooklyn
track_state = MI
track_length_n_type = 2-mile D-shaped Oval
track_misc_info_1 = Turns banked 18∞
track_misc_info_2 = Frontstretch 2,229 feet banked 12∞
track_misc_info_3 = Backstretch 2,242 feet banked 5∞
track_num_turns = 4
track_length = 2.000m
track_altitude = 0.0
track_type = 3 ; long oval
; Normally tracks are designated like this.
; 0 = short track
; 1 = mile oval
; 2 = medium oval (>1 <2)
; 3 = long oval
; 4 = super speedway
; 5 = road course
; I am not sure where these values are used.
; I guess driver ratings are using it to calculate how good given driver is on short track or road course.
chassis_type = 2 ; speedway
; Chassis types:
; 1 = super speedway
; 2 = speedway
; 3 = short track
; 4 = road course
; 5 = superspeedway without a restrictor plate. See also this post by ZiggyM for drags and HP of each chassis.
See also this blog post about using chassis type 5 for 1960s and 1970s style of racing.
default_event_laps = 200
; This number defines how long is the race. So if you run Nationwide series at this track, you should set this to 125.
default_qual_laps = 2
; Change to 12 if you run Aussie V8 Supercars series, they have longer qualifying sessions.
track_base_month = 6 ; the race month used for single, multi, and testing
; This has major effect on race-day weather, if realistic weather is used (see the section [weather] below).
max_starters = 43
; Should be the same as number of pit stalls (see the section [pit_lane_0] below).
track_tire_heat = 0.86 ; > modifies amount of heat going into the tire at a given track
track_tire_wear = 0.88 ; > 1.0 means more wear, i.e. 2.0 is twice normal wear, 0.5 is half normal wear
; Needs adjustment from time to time.
; For example, reduce the value, if track has been recently repaved.
; I use 0.58 on current Michigan track (2013).
track_tire_wear_loss = 0.24 ; percentage of grip lost at full tire wear
; This value tells what fraction of grip is lost if tires are totally worn out.
; Affects both human player and computer opponents.
; I set this value to 0.50 on ovals and 0.20 on road courses. This ensures that laptimes are ca 2 secs slower on worn tires.
track_tire_wear_exp = 1.15 ; > 1.0 gives a bigger fall off later in run < 1.0 gives a bigger fall off early in run
; I use 0.80 for CUP, 1.00 for GNS and 1.25 for CTS physics.
track_asphalt_grip = 0.93 ; > 1.0 means more grip. This shouldn't have to change by more than +- 0.05
; Grip values need to be increased if the track has been repaved (higher speeds).
; I use 1.03 for current repaved Michigan.
track_concrete_grip = 1.00 ; > means more grip. Again, keep between about 0.9 and 1.05
; If you increase grip on the track, do it for all pavement types.
; Concrete surface type might have been used by track creator for the second groove.
; It might look indistinguishable from asphalt surface on the track.
track_north_angle = 350 ; angle of true north in degrees
; Starter decisions:
; First value is earliest possible green flag dlong, should be after to pace car pit entrace point
; Second value is latest possible green flag dlong. Must be before start line and after first value
starter_decision = 2900.00 3100.00
; All the previous values are default values, applied to all physics types.
; Set track-specific parameters for GNS physics in this section, if you want them to be different from default values).
; [track_gns]
; track_tire_wear_exp = 1.00 ; > 1.0 gives a bigger fall off later in run < 1.0 gives a bigger fall off early in run
; Set track-specific parameters for GNS physics in this section, if you want them to be different from default values).
; [track_cts]
; track_tire_wear_exp = 1.25 ; > 1.0 gives a bigger fall off later in run < 1.0 gives a bigger fall off early in run
qual_only=1 ; only enforce checkpoints during qualifying session
[ configuration_0 ]
; Format: dlong, start dlat, end dlat, time penalty (sec), 0 (required)
; 2 checkpoint minimum
checkpoint_0 = 2890.00 -4.00 21.50 0 0 ; prevents cutting grass (qual only)
checkpoint_1 = 3170.00 -4.00 21.50 0 0
[ cup ]
record_lap_time = 37.667
record_holder = Dale Earnhardt, Jr.
; In these sections you can update track records for each physics type.
; They are shown in lower left part of your screen after the track is loaded.
; [ cup ]
; record_lap_time = 35.564
; record_holder = Carl Edwards, 2013
; [ gns ]
; record_lap_time = 37.523
; record_holder = Austin Dillon, 2013
; [ cts ]
; record_lap_time = 39.109
; record_holder = Joey Coulter, 2012
[ weather ]
track_base_temp = 66.7 ; track average temperature on April 1 in deg F
track_temp_range = 4.5 ; one standard deviation from average in deg F
track_temp_swing = 20.0 ; This is temp difference between July and April
track_wind_speed = 8.1 ; average wind speed at the track in MPH
track_wind_speed_range = 5.0 ; one standard deviation from average in MPH
track_wind_direction = 270 ; compass heading in degrees from which wind is most likely (in this case from Northwest)
track_cloud_prob = 0.65 ; probability of cloud cover, 0.0 to 1.0
; I have done some testing on these weather parameters and how the NR2003 uses them.
; track_base_temp is mid temperature of the year (half way between January and July).
; The actual temperature during the race is dependent of the track_base_month value set above.
; track_temp_range is used to calculate random fluctuation of temp on given day.
; So, the track_temp_range should be the value of 1 standard deviation from normal day-to-day temp variation between different years.
; My two experiments with weather settings
; EXPERIMENT 1. The effect of track_base_month
; SETTINGS: track_base_temp=45, track_temp_range=0, track_temp_swing=35
; RESULTS: track_base_month: temp for race-day in NR2003
; 1: 10 ; lowest value = track_base_temp - track_temp_swing
; 2: 15
; 3: 27
; 4: 45 ; mid-point value = track_base_temp
; 5: 62
; 6: 75
; 7: 80 ; highest value = track_base_temp + track_temp_swing
; 8: 75
; 9: 63
; 10: 45 ; mid-point value = track_base_temp
; 11: 28
; 12: 15
; EXPERIMENT 2. The effect of track_temp_range
; SETTINGS: track_base_temp=45, track_temp_range=10, track_temp_swing=0, track_base_month=4
; RESULTS: temperatures for 25 tested race-days in NR2003
; 41, 42, 73, 45, 22, 39, 44, 32, 36, 54, 38, 45, 39, 52, 30, 45, 52, 51, 37, 52, 59, 53, 24, 54, 36
num_sources = 4
pos_0 = -233 333 4
pos_1 = -216 333 5
pos_2 = 155 -394 2
pos_3 = -41 -396 1
[ ai_track ]
pace_merge_from_pit_line_dlong = 400.000
pace_merge_to_pit_line_dlong = 2725.0000
pace_speed_limit_mph = 65
; Increase this value if you want to make pace laps faster.
; NB! Faster pace laps means also less time for repairs if you car is damaged => lower chance to get your car fixed during caution.
ai_accel_modifier = 1.20 ; acceleration grip efficiency
; Decrease this value if you cannot accelerate as fast as AI cars on the straight.
ai_decel_modifier = 0.88 ; braking grip efficiency
; Decrease this value if the AI cars slam into you in breaking zone.
ai_fuel_use = 0.96 ; > 1.0 = more fuel consumed
; This must be adjusted to make AI cars pit for fuel the same time as you do.
; I am using values between 0.85 and 0.90
ai_grip_modifier = 1.06 ; > 1.0 = more grip
ai_drag_modifier = 1.05 ; > 1.0 = more drag, which is slower
; I set both grip and drag always to 1.00.
; This makes the AI cars behave similarly with human player (same curve speed , same top speed on straight).
; If needed, straight line speed can be modified by changing ai_accel_modifier above.
ai_line_modifier = 1.00 ; dangerous hack, don't use unless you are a trained professional
; Reducing this parameter to 0.9 can help to avoid frequent crashes and yellow flag periods on some tracks
ai_qual_modifier = 1.000 ; > 1.0 = faster during qualifying
ai_wall_offset = 100 ; 100 = full-time AI collision detection
ai_tire_wear_left = 0.39 ; left tire wear adjuster for ai
ai_tire_wear_right = 0.48 ; right tire wear adjuster for ai
; Tire wear needs to be reduced if AI cars slow down significantly after few laps.
strategy_lap_time_wear_loss = 3.618 ; lap time loss from totally worn tires
; Decrease if AI cars are pitting too frequently for tires.
strategy_lap_time_fuel_use_gain = 0.270 ; lap time gain from low fuel
strategy_base_pitting_cost = 29.228 ; time lost to a stop & go pitstop
ai_pacing_distance = 1.9 ; car lengths behind while pacing
ai_bunching_distance = 1.75 ; car lengths behind while bunching for start
ai_drafting_distance = 1.3 ; car lengths behind while racing
ai_panic_decel = 2.8 ; G's of extra deceleration inducing panic
ai_dlongpad_scale = 8.0 ; scales padding in braking zones (smaller = more scaling)
ai_dlat_pad = 1.1
ai_squeeze_pcnt = 0.0
ai_inverse_slipcurve_k = 0.68 ; how much slip angle AI need to corner. smaller = more, more = increased drag ; (0.38)
; An important parameter, which affects how easily the AI cars will start sliding.
; I use 0.30 - 0.40 on oval tracks and 0.70 or higher on road courses.
[ AppRuleEnterPits ]
pit0_entrance_point0_dlat = 77.98
pit0_entrance_point0_dlong = 2960.03
pit0_entrance_point1_dlat = 62.11
pit0_entrance_point1_dlong = 2962.04
[ pit_lane_0 ]
; AI stuff
merge_from_pit_line_dlong = 1350.0 ; dlong at which cars leaving pits will merge to race line
merge_to_pit_line_dlong = 2000.0 ; dlong at which cars entering pits will merge to pit line
merge_to_pit_line_length = 460.0 ; length of merge window
pit_lane_end_dlong = 269.4 ; dlong where pit lane proper ends
pit_lane_start_dlong = 2962.0 ; dlong where pit lane proper begins
slow_pit_line_dlat_offset = 5.0 ; track-specific dlat_offset of 2nd slower pit line (0 if N/A)
stall_exit_goal_dlat_offset = -5.0 ; goal dlat offset (+ left) for the pit stall exit cubic line
stall_exit_goal_dlong_offset = 7.0 ; goal dlong offset (ahead) for the pit stall exit cubic line
begin_stall_entry_offset = 21.0 ; offset at which to begin entering the pit stall
begin_stall_approach_offset = 100.0 ; offset at which to begin approaching the pit stall
lane_merge_dlong = 1268.00 ; Dlong which you must remain on the apron when exiting the pits
; race control stuff
lane_on_right = 0 ; 0 if on left, 1 if on right
lane_has_wall = 1 ; 0 no wall, 1 has wall
speed_limit_MPH = 55.0
; pace car
begin_pacestall_entry_offset = 20.0 ; offset at which to begin entering the pit stall
begin_pacestall_approach_offset = 45.0 ; offset at which to begin approaching the pit stall
pacestall_exit_goal_dlong_offset = 8.0 ; goal dlong offset (ahead) for the pit stall exit
pacestall_exit_goal_dlat_offset = -3.0 ; goal dlat offset for the pit stall exit
stall_pace = 277.83 70.24 -0.25
; special stalls
stall_qual_exit = 265.00 73.02 -0.25
; regular stalls
stall_0 = 265.00 73.02 -0.25
stall_1 = 253.35 75.73 -0.24
stall_2 = 241.63 78.33 -0.23
stall_3 = 229.86 80.81 -0.22
stall_4 = 218.02 83.16 -0.21
stall_5 = 206.13 85.39 -0.20
stall_6 = 194.19 87.49 -0.18
stall_7 = 182.19 89.47 -0.17
stall_8 = 170.15 91.32 -0.16
stall_9 = 158.06 93.05 -0.15
stall_10 = 145.93 94.64 -0.14
stall_11 = 133.76 96.11 -0.13
stall_12 = 121.55 97.46 -0.12
stall_13 = 109.31 98.67 -0.10
stall_14 = 97.04 99.76 -0.09
stall_15 = 84.75 100.71 -0.08
stall_16 = 72.43 101.54 -0.07
stall_17 = 60.09 102.23 -0.06
stall_18 = 47.74 102.80 -0.04
stall_19 = 35.37 103.23 -0.03
stall_20 = 23.00 103.52 -0.02
stall_21 = 10.61 103.69 -0.01
stall_22 = 3214.37 103.73 0.00
stall_23 = 3201.96 103.63 0.01
stall_24 = 3189.56 103.41 0.03
stall_25 = 3177.17 103.05 0.04
stall_26 = 3164.79 102.55 0.05
stall_27 = 3152.42 101.92 0.06
stall_28 = 3140.07 101.16 0.07
stall_29 = 3127.75 100.26 0.09
stall_30 = 3115.45 99.24 0.10
stall_31 = 3103.17 98.08 0.11
stall_32 = 3090.93 96.78 0.12
stall_33 = 3078.73 95.36 0.13
stall_34 = 3066.56 93.81 0.15
stall_35 = 3054.44 92.13 0.16
stall_36 = 3042.36 90.31 0.17
stall_37 = 3030.33 88.37 0.18
stall_38 = 3018.35 86.30 0.19
stall_39 = 3006.43 84.11 0.20
stall_40 = 2994.56 81.79 0.22
stall_41 = 2982.75 79.34 0.23
stall_42 = 2971.00 76.77 0.24
[ starting_grid_0 ]
; 2x2 unstaggered grid
; polesitter on left
stall_pace = 273.48 64.45 -0.25
stall_0 = 265.00 68.91 -0.25
stall_1 = 265.00 63.91 -0.25
stall_2 = 256.79 70.86 -0.25
stall_3 = 256.79 65.86 -0.25
stall_4 = 248.55 72.76 -0.24
stall_5 = 248.55 67.76 -0.24
stall_6 = 240.28 74.62 -0.23
stall_7 = 240.28 69.62 -0.23
stall_8 = 231.98 76.42 -0.22
stall_9 = 231.98 71.42 -0.22
stall_10 = 223.64 78.15 -0.21
stall_11 = 223.64 73.15 -0.21
stall_12 = 215.27 79.78 -0.20
stall_13 = 215.27 74.78 -0.20
stall_14 = 206.87 81.31 -0.19
stall_15 = 206.87 76.31 -0.19
stall_16 = 198.43 82.76 -0.18
stall_17 = 198.43 77.76 -0.18
stall_18 = 189.97 84.14 -0.17
stall_19 = 189.97 79.14 -0.17
stall_20 = 181.50 85.50 -0.17
stall_21 = 181.50 80.50 -0.17
stall_22 = 173.00 86.84 -0.17
stall_23 = 173.00 81.84 -0.17
stall_24 = 164.49 88.12 -0.16
stall_25 = 164.49 83.12 -0.16
stall_26 = 155.95 89.32 -0.15
stall_27 = 155.95 84.32 -0.15
stall_28 = 147.39 90.44 -0.14
stall_29 = 147.39 85.44 -0.14
stall_30 = 138.81 91.49 -0.13
stall_31 = 138.81 86.49 -0.13
stall_32 = 130.21 92.53 -0.13
stall_33 = 130.21 87.53 -0.13
stall_34 = 121.61 93.52 -0.12
stall_35 = 121.61 88.52 -0.12
stall_36 = 112.98 94.44 -0.11
stall_37 = 112.98 89.44 -0.11
stall_38 = 104.33 95.27 -0.10
stall_39 = 104.33 90.27 -0.10
stall_40 = 95.67 96.03 -0.09
stall_41 = 95.67 91.03 -0.09
stall_42 = 87.00 96.74 -0.09
[ starting_grid_1 ]
stall_pace = 1758.48 1.96 0.00
stall_0 = 1750.00 3.96 -0.00
stall_1 = 1750.00 -0.04 -0.00
stall_2 = 1741.52 4.01 -0.01
stall_3 = 1741.52 0.01 -0.01
stall_4 = 1733.05 4.09 -0.01
stall_5 = 1733.05 0.09 -0.01
stall_6 = 1724.57 4.19 -0.01
stall_7 = 1724.57 0.19 -0.01
stall_8 = 1716.10 4.25 -0.00
stall_9 = 1716.10 0.25 -0.00
stall_10 = 1707.62 4.27 0.00
stall_11 = 1707.62 0.27 0.00
stall_12 = 1699.14 4.26 -0.00
stall_13 = 1699.14 0.26 -0.00
stall_14 = 1690.67 4.28 -0.00
stall_15 = 1690.67 0.28 -0.00
stall_16 = 1682.19 4.31 -0.00
stall_17 = 1682.19 0.31 -0.00
stall_18 = 1673.71 4.31 0.00
stall_19 = 1673.71 0.31 0.00
stall_20 = 1665.24 4.30 0.00
stall_21 = 1665.24 0.30 0.00
stall_22 = 1656.76 4.29 0.00
stall_23 = 1656.76 0.29 0.00
stall_24 = 1648.29 4.26 0.01
stall_25 = 1648.29 0.26 0.01
stall_26 = 1639.81 4.22 0.00
stall_27 = 1639.81 0.22 0.00
stall_28 = 1631.33 4.21 -0.00
stall_29 = 1631.33 0.21 -0.00
stall_30 = 1622.86 4.25 -0.00
stall_31 = 1622.86 0.25 -0.00
stall_32 = 1614.38 4.26 0.00
stall_33 = 1614.38 0.26 0.00
stall_34 = 1605.90 4.22 0.01
stall_35 = 1605.90 0.22 0.01
stall_36 = 1597.43 4.13 0.01
stall_37 = 1597.43 0.13 0.01
stall_38 = 1588.95 4.05 0.01
stall_39 = 1588.95 0.05 0.01
stall_40 = 1580.48 4.03 -0.00
stall_41 = 1580.48 0.03 -0.00
stall_42 = 1572.00 4.04 -0.00
[ SPCC ]
num_named_sections = 6
name_0 = 456.00 842.00 T1
name_1 = 842.00 1260.00 T2
name_2 = 1260.00 1967.00 BSTR
name_3 = 1967.00 2367.00 T3
name_4 = 2367.00 2747.00 T4
name_5 = 2747.00 456.00 FSTC